Take your pixel: which is the right 4K TV service for you?
Netflix, Amazon, BT Sport or Sky? We help you choose the right 4K service based on your telly-watching habits…

Netflix, Amazon, BT Sport or Sky? We help you choose the right 4K service based on your telly-watching habits…
Big internet promises from BT’s chief exec Gavin Patterson
If all goes well, the consumer rollout of G.fast is expected to begin in 2016
Here are all the official details on the BT TV Ultra HD package, the first way to get broadcast 4K in the UK
Anyone with the BT TV service will get all 351 European matches gratis – and 4K is coming too
Have a very techie start to the day by perusing the latest gadget stories – right here!
Most BT phones are Plain Janes when it comes to looks – but this Verve brings a touch of style to the DECT scene
Sky+ has long been king of the PVR kingdom, but can BT’s new on-demand revolutionary depose it from its throne?
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