The First Six Apps You’ll Install On Apple Watch
The apps maketh the Watch, but which six will set you on the road to wrist-worn bliss?

The apps maketh the Watch, but which six will set you on the road to wrist-worn bliss?
This whale of a handset attracts as much derision as it does curiosity. But what’s the new Nexus 6 like to live with?
Has Microsoft cracked the hybrid nut at the third attempt? Why yes, yes it has
The beta release of Apple’s new desktop OS is great – but not quite perfect. Here’s how we’d make it better still
Android and iOS users, take note: Windows Phone is a real contender
Samsung’s latest superphone is nearly with us – but no matter how good it is, it won’t be a patch on Google’s most recent effort, says Mark Payton
Here’s a selection of hand-picked apps that we wish Tim Cook had bought and baked straight into the latest iteration of OS X
Clever new functionality and under-the-bonnet tweaks make the tenth OS X our favourite desktop OS
“Beautifully, unapologetically plastic”. Yeah, right. But if you push on through the dodgy cases, colours and marketing, the new iPhone 5c is no slouch
The new Nexus 7 is good. Really good. But with these tweaks, says Mark Payton, it could be a monster
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