App of the week: Magpie review
A photo feed meets a notepad and gets all jiggy. The result is this lovely app

5 ways iPadOS makes Apple’s tablet a productivity powerhouse
But don’t say it’s now like a laptop, or Tim’ll get you

4 things tvOS 13 injects into your Apple TV experience
Personal accounts, lyrics, gaming, and… fish

E-PAD is an E-Ink Android tablet that wants to be a paper notepad
Turn over a new leaf

Apple’s WWDC 2019 keynote event – what to expect and how to watch
iOS 13, macOS ‘something California’, a Mac Pro, and iOS being mashed into macOS with a fork

App of the week: Solar Explorer: New Dawn review
It can be hard-as-nails, but this modern spin on Lunar Lander is out of this world