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Home / Hot Stuff / This Securaki smart lock can be installed without any DIY skills

This Securaki smart lock can be installed without any DIY skills

The Securaki lock is a smart lock that you can retrofit to your door. It's compatible with 90% of UK locks and gives you Wi-Fi control

Securaki Smart Lock

There’s plenty of smart home kit to ramp up your home security, but smart locks are a good place to start. They protect your front door, which is the main entry point to your gaff. But nobody likes the idea of faffing around with tools to install one, especially if you run the risk of messing the lock up. But this Securaki smart lock can be installed on 90% of UK doors without any DIY skills. It’s controllable over Wi-Fi, from your phone, and from smart assistants.

Securaki’s smart lock fits snugly with 90% of UK door locks and even plays nice with most European and American models. The real cherry on top is its promise of a drill-free, sweat-free setup – with absolutely no DIY skills required. Not content with merely locking and unlocking your door? The Securaki Smart Lock flirts with the likes of Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant so you can bark commands. Fancy locking your door with a voice command while you’re snuggled up in bed? Securaki says, “No problem.”

For those of you who dread getting locked out when the battery dies, fear not. This lock runs on 4x AA batteries and claims to keep going for six months, assuming you’re not entering and exiting like it’s a revolving door. And for the control freaks out there (you know who you are), the Securaki app lets you play Big Brother, tracking who comes from the companion app.

There are a bunch of different ways you can unlock the Securaki – app, keypad, or Bluetooth fob. And for those moments when you’re wondering whether you locked up before heading out, Securaki’s got your back with instant alerts for any unauthorized shenanigans. AES128 encryption means your data’s safe from the prying eyes of digital ne’er-do-wells. And for those allergic to subscription fees, Securaki demands none. It even comes with the Wi-Fi Bridge and accessories you need, so there are no extra fees there.

Keen to join the keyless revolution and get your smart home going? The Securaki Smart Lock, complete with all the bells and whistles, can be yours for £300. It’s up for grabs on Amazon and B&Q, with a roll-out to other UK retailers on the horizon.

Profile image of Connor Jewiss Connor Jewiss


Connor is a writer for Stuff, working across the magazine and the Stuff.tv website. He has been writing for around six years now, with writing across the web and in print too. Connor has experience on most major platforms, though does hold a place in his heart for macOS, iOS/iPadOS, electric vehicles, and smartphone tech. Just like everyone else around here, he’s a fan of gadgets of all sorts! Aside from writing, Connor is involved in the startup scene. This exciting involvement puts him at the front of new and exciting tech, always on the lookout for innovating products.

Areas of expertise

Mobile, macOS, EVs, smart home

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