Best fitness trackers 2024: Fitbit, Garmin, Apple and more
Runner? Swimmer? Cyclist? Swingballer? There’s a fitness tracker out there for everyone. Except maybe the last one

Runner? Swimmer? Cyclist? Swingballer? There’s a fitness tracker out there for everyone. Except maybe the last one
Objects of affection
If you already know how heavy you are but want some more specifics, these connected options can show you the weigh
Do extra features result in weigh better information?
Ceramic and stainless steel meet medical-grade ECG and 30 days of battery life
This smart scale weighs every part of your body.
The ScanWatch 2 now has a temperature sensor, used to predict when you might be about to get ill
Hybrid smartwatch now tracks your temperature all night long
View your weight and extra body stats privately for just under £100.
Sleep on it with our guide to bedroom smart tech so you can snooze away at will
New health monitor makes your toilet smarter
Never has a set of scales revealed so much about you.
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