HMV launches online film rentals
We'll let LOVEFiLM, Netflix and now HMV squabble for our movie renting love

HMV hasn’t quite croaked it – the once great music store has partnered with FilmFlex to give us another option for online movie streaming. And while we might not need another rentals site – what with Spotify tipped to join the fray next week and Lovefilm, Android, Apple and soon-to-be Netflix all jostling for the top spot – it won’t hurt to have plenty of special offers to choose from.
All the big studios are on board with Sony and Disney providing the cash for FilmFlex anyway. And although the title screen says “films from £3.75”, we found special offers as low as 99p with Submarine available for £2.75 and The Dark Knight for £3.49.
There are no surprises with the rental terms for HMV on-demand – you get the usual 30-day window to watch the film, and 48 hours to view it once you press play. You can choose between watching it ‘online’ (which lets you watch it on any PC) and offline for downloading to one computer only, with more devices and download-to-own expected to be announced soon. Roll on winter.
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