Stuff Office Cat’s Diary – 05/10/12
Office Cat considers the new James Bond game trailer, B&O's big round speaker and phones that capture thieves' mugshots

Office Cat likes cables – in particular, attacking those that members of the Stuff staff dangle at him – so he’s not especially excited by the news that Bang & Olufsen is launching a wireless speaker system. Even though it does look a bit like a satellite dish. The BeoPlay A9 is a 2.1-channel setup with AirPlay and DLNA support plus the customary gusset-tightening price tag (£1,700).
B&O snips the wires with BeoPlay A9
Using a combination of eyes, nose, whiskers and psychic powers, Office Cat has excellent awareness of what is going on around him – but humans need a bit of help. Like the Bubblescope (£70 from Firebox), a case-cum-lens-attachment for the iPhone 4 and 4S that lets you shoot 360-degree stills and videos.
Apparently today is “World Bond Day”. Office Cat wonders what that means, exactly. Is one supposed to wear a tux? Drink a martini? Garrotte a henchman to death? Humans puzzle Office Cat. But they might enjoy watching the credits to forthcoming Bond videogame 007 Legends, which Office Cat understands is very reminiscent of Bond movie credits.
360-degree photos and videos on your iPhone?
Kaspersky Lab has released a new version of its Mobile Security software for Android phones (£15 a year,, and amongst the usual guff it offers one feature which Office Cat finds interesting: the ability to use your phone’s front camera to take a mugshot of the thief. Sadly it wouldn’t be much use to Office Cat, to whom all humans look the same.
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