Star Wars Battlefront DLC to deliver whole new universes
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Star Wars Battlefront might be a title from long, long ago, but the 17 November next-gen release of EA’s intergalactic romper may well be the game you’re looking for.
Our beta review of this lightsabre swinging, force-fuelled action adventurer pointed towards a game more engrossing than the Sarlacc – and EA’s COO Peter Moore has delivered more good news.
Without giving away too much regarding what the £40 Battlefront DLC pass gets you, Moore did give a juicy tidbit for would-be turret-toters: over the next 12 to 18 months, four completely new expansion packs will be delivered like droids from a Sullust conveyor.
What do the new packs have in store? Talking to Gamespot, Moore suggested there will be whole new universes, player actions and weaponry.
“How can you add new universes, when there’s only one Galaxy that matters?” Oh, be quiet, pedant. If the DLC means more inter-planetary shoot-and-slash action, we’re not complaining.
Even better, with the weapons we tried in the beta showing plenty of promise, we’re more excited than a Gungan in Mos Eisley at the prospect of downloads delivering more ways to attack AT-ATs on the snowy plains.
Apparently DLC pass purchasers will also get first access to the new content before it becomes available, Battlefield-like, in individual packs – so, like a Jedi first in the queue for breakfast at the Academy, those that shell out for galactic expansion will enjoy the extras early.
What’s more, with Battlefront launching almost a month before the new Force Awakens flick, it might just be the perfect antidote to Lucasfilm lust.
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