iOS and Android games more popular than Sony and Nintendo handhelds
Mobile phone gaming has wiped the floor with handheld consoles – is this the future?

A quick look about on the train could have told you smartphone gaming is more popular than handheld consoles, but who would have though iOS and Android are beating Sony and Nintendo’s combined efforts so convincingly? According to Flurry research, iOS and Android will own 58 per cent of the mobile gaming world by the end of the year – that’s a 34 per cent increase since last year.
But with new phones – like the big-screened Samsung Galaxy Note – out regularly and constant game releases amazing us weekly, it’s little wonder the stagnant 3DS and PSP are flagging.
Will the release of the Sony Playstation Vita – if it ever actually happens – be the saviour of mobile consoles? Having joysticks and buttons certainly helps, but smartphone convenience and cheap pricing might just be too good to ignore. With joysticks for iPads already here and gadget convergence clearly a thing of the future – with the likes of the Asus Transformer Prime proving the point – it’s time for console manufacturers to start thinking outside the box, or get ready to die inside it.
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