Noses at the ready: Amazon Kindle Paperscent brings the smell of real books to your Kindle
Miss the comforting smell of actual paper? Amazon's aromatherapy-infused case should sort your cravings out

Hot on the heels of Oscar Mayer’s bacon-scented alarm clock comes Amazon’s latest accessory for Kindle Paperwhite owners – the Kindle Paperscent.
Looking to satisfy the hunger of book lovers’ obsession with the smell of a real paper pages, Amazon has created a faux leather book cover which emits ‘real book aromas’ using an electronic scent diffuser.
It’s the same tech used in aromatherapy devices which might already grace your home with calming lavender, freshly cut grass or new car smells, except Amazon’s gone for two slightly more relevant odours.
READ MORE: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite review
Customers will have a choice between Old Book and New Book oil scent cartridges, with the former releasing a lovely musty book smell which promises to take readers back to “well-loved yellowed tomes from their childhood”.
Each scent cartridge contains less than 100ml of oil making them airport security-friendly, and a single cartridge is expected to last for around 125 puffs.
Controls on the back let you choose between ten, thirty and one hour intervals, or there’s always the option to press the manual release button for an instant dose.
There’s no word on pricing on the scent cartridges themselves, but each Paperscent case comes with a full cartridge of your choice.
The Kindle Paperscent will be available by the end of April for US$50.
We’re currently waiting on UK pricing and release information as well as details for other Kindle models, so stay tuned.
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