Next-gen Nintendo ‘NX’ console could land in 2017
UPDATED 02/06/15 with additional Android OS information

Avid Wiiers – we really need to think of a new word for that – it’s time to celebrate: Nintendo is releasing a new games console in 2017.
The gaming giant has been quick to show that its recent mobile games announcement isn’t a sign of a dwindling passion for console gaming. It’s given away practically no information about the console, bar its NX codename, though we hope to hear more during the next 18 months.
It’s likely to be a next-gen successor to the struggling Wii U, but we still don’t have enough information to guarantee that it’s not another portable console.
Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata described the new ‘NX’ as being a ‘dedicated game platform with a brand new concept’, which very cleverly gives us absolutely no clues. Nintendo has said that it’ll provide more information about the hardware next year, which means our now agonising wait for further information has begun. Bring on the the rumour mill.
It looks like we’re going to have to sit tight till 2016 to hear some more details about Nintendo’s ‘brand new concept’, but when they do, we’ll keep you informed.
Nintendo NX’s rumoured to be Android-based platform

Update 02/06/15: As you can tell, we don’t know much yet about the Nintendo NX console, apart from that it’s being co-developed by DeNA. However, according to a source at Nikkei, the NX will come with an Android-based OS.
We have a feeling this was a move to help Nintendo solve one its longest ongoing problems: a lack of third-party support. Android is a flexible open platform so we have high hopes for the possiblities, should this rumour turn out to be true.
We do hope his doesn’t go the same way as the Ouya, another Android-powered console which thoroughly disappointed. That, however, was due to it being under-powered, preventing it from running all the games you wanted. Fingers crossed, then, that the Nintendo hardware will be a step up.
The rumour gives us the chance to speculate what this could potentially mean for the new console, such as a cloud-style system that would allow for pick-up-and-play, thanks to connections between new home and portable systems.
With no confirmation as to whether or not it’s true, all we can do is guess, but as soon as Nintendo speaks up we’ll let you know.
[TechnoBuffalo via Nikkei]
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