11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch
Here's hoping it’s not just Mario coming to Switch this year

There’s no doubt that the Switch is a neat little console, what with its transforming powers and pick-up-and-play vibe.
But, after Nintendo’s recent record of failing to support its consoles with quality games, we’re more than a little fearful that the Switch will suffer the same fate as the Wii U.
What’s more, the titles announced so far aren’t exactly addressing people’s concerns: Super Mario Odyssey is the only noticeable game that won’t also be available on Wii U.
Fortunately, Nintendo has a roster of characters so big that it could rival The Simpsons, so Ninty has plenty of opportunities to make fresh games for its new console.
With that in mind, then, here are the games we’re most hoping make an appearance on the Switch.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Super Smash Bros.

Couch multiplayer games are a dying breed. It’s true that online multiplayer is a worthy replacement, but nothing beats defeating your friends face-to-face so you can see them shed a tear.
Super Smash Bros. is easily one of the best couch multiplayers of all time and, since it’s been on every Nintendo home console since the Nintendo 64, it’s extremely likely we’ll be seeing one arrive on the Switch. Whether it’s a whole new sequel or just a port of the Wii U version bundled with the DLC, though, remains to be seen.
Frankly, we don’t mind which we get, as long as we can pick from a roster of Nintendo characters to take part in explosive fights.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is another title that consistently makes its way to Nintendo systems. Having to pay bills to rent a house in a quaint village sounds overwhelmingly dull for a video game, especially when compared to the overtop action in the likes of Mario and Zelda. Animal Crossing, though, has an irresistible charm.
Getting to know your quirky neighbours and building your collection of fish and insects is surprisingly fun and therapeutic. You could always just buy a cottage in the countryside and do all of that in reality, but who wants to wake up to the smell of cow poo every morning?
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Metroid Prime 4

This title is possibly the most anticipated Nintendo game that is yet to be confirmed for the Switch. Metroid didn’t make an appearance on the Wii U, which was a big surprise considering the popularity of the sci-fi series.
Not only did the Metroid Prime games have fantastic shooting mechanics, but they also served up intricate puzzles that needed to be solved in order to progress through its labyrinth-like map. It’s one of the more mature Nintendo classics, with less Koopa squashing and more alien blasting, which might help the Switch appeal to a wider age range.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Dark Souls trilogy

Speaking of which, there’s no better game series than Dark Souls to help Nintendo finally dispel the perception that their consoles are for children. Dark Souls is known for its brutal difficulty level and frightening monster designs. Give your toddler this game and they’ll likely wet the bed deep into their twenties.
According to rumours over the last few months, a Dark Souls trilogy is already in development for the Nintendo Switch. Such rumours are also supported by the fact that Nintendo has already confirmed that the developers of Dark Souls have pledged their support for the Switch. Whether you’d be willing to put yourself through such harrowing torture is another question entirely, though.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Pokemon Red/Blue Remasters

Since 1996, we’ve all been dreaming of owning a pet that can breath fire or generate electricity. That’s thanks to Pokemon Red and Blue, which are two of the highest grossing titles in Nintendo’s history, even beating the likes of Super Mario Bros.
Nothing would accelerate the nostalgia more than a remake of the games which introduced the quirky critters to our world. Game Freak has already made remakes in the form of FireRed and LeafGreen, but that was 13 years ago.
Since then, 3D graphics, mega evolutions and online multiplayer have been introduced to the series, which could all give a significant boost to the original Pokemon games in a remastered edition – not to mention the play-anywhere abilities of the Switch.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Star Fox Adventures 2

The last Star Fox game had the rocket power of a moped, with the Wii U controls making flying a spaceship truly boring. Perhaps it’s time for the spacefaring fox to step out of the cockpit for his next venture.
Indeed, the last time he did so was in the GameCube’s StarFox Adventures, and it was met with universal acclaim. The problem? It was made by Rare, who have since been bought by Xbox. But, provided Nintendo can find a developer to take Rare’s place, then another sci-fi adventure with furry critters would be a more-than-welcome addition to the Switch.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Pikmin 4

Finding people who own a Wii U is as difficult as trying to wrestle away a Nintendo fanboy’s copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That means that a lot of people missed out on the fantastic Pikmin 3.
Hopefully, then, they’ll get the chance to play a sequel on the Switch. Pikmin is another Nintendo title set in space, but this time the aliens are a lot more colourful and cute. The game is full of clever puzzles, which involve using the various abilities of the alien species of Pikmin to overcome the planet’s obstacles.
You’ll have more fun exploring a single planet in Pikmin than a million in No Man’s Sky – although that doesn’t say much.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Rocket League

Psyonix sounded hopeful when asked whether their crazy monster truck sports game will be heading to the Switch, and that got us excited.
Sure, you’ve probably already spent hours upon hours scoring screamers off your bumpers, but unless you use a laptop for gaming, you’re unlikely to have a portable version.
While splitscreen multiplayer is offered in other formats, you’ll have a screen all to yourself with the Switch, so your friends won’t be able to see you sneak up on the goalline for a cheeky tap-in.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Super Mario Maker

You’re probably fed up of Wii U ports on the Switch already. What’s the point in buying a new Ninty machine when you can just play the same games on a cheaper console? Super Mario Maker is an exception, though.
With its sandbox nature allowing you to create your very own Super Mario Bros. courses, this game has endless potential. Creating Goomba-infested deathtraps will never get old – nor will playing through community-created content that makes Takeshi’s Castle look boring.
And, since your creative juices can start flowing at unpredictable times, the Switch’s portability would come in handy when you think-up a masterpiece during a commute.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Luigi’s Mansion 3

Luigi is a tragic character. He has similar strengths to his older brother Mario, yet is more of a laughing stock than a hero. To make matters worse, while Mario gets to explore outer space and rescue a princess from a fire-breathing monster, Luigi gets lumbered with a haunted house – not exactly the best place to put a man who suffers from anxiety.
While we do feel sorry for the green-suited Italian, we also can’t wait to see him back in the mix of poltergeists and ghouls, as there’s something very satisfying about sucking up ghosts with a vacuum cleaner. Perhaps it’s the nostalgic novelty of finally becoming a Ghostbuster.
11 games we want to see for the Nintendo Switch: Kingdom Hearts 3

The Wii U’s failure was blamed mostly on its inability to attract third party games. If the Switch is going to succeed, it must avoid this costly mistake. The Assassin’s Creed and Call of Duty games are an obvious start, but the one upcoming title that we’d most like to see on Switch is Kingdom Hearts 3.
The Final Fantasy and Disney mashup series would fit perfectly on a Nintendo console, with the beautiful animations and quirky characters. Developer Square Enix has already been confirmed as a partner to the Switch, while Kingdom Hearts 3 is yet to have a release date, so Nintendo is in a good position to convince the developers to make a port. Here’s hoping.