IllumiRoom to shine at today’s Xbox launch?
The augmented reality projection device that takes Kinect to another level could be unveiled in just a few hours

The augmented reality projection device that takes Kinect to another level could be unveiled in just a few hours
Rumours suggest that the next Xbox will have always-on internet – and Kinect is mandatory
Report suggests Microsoft has vastly improved Kinect’s voice recognition for new console
Anonymous tipster drops the details on Microsoft’s new console – and its 7in X-Surface gaming tablet
Leak says Microsoft’s next console will have 8-core processor, Blu-ray drive and HDMI input
Anyone want to guess what Santa’s going to be busy delivering next year?
Microsoft’s next-gen console dev kit has hit the interwebs with a hefty price tag, but is this the real deal or just an elaborate prank?
It looks like your next console purchase could very well be your last, at least according to one gaming guru
Microsoft’s next-gen console looks set to be released in time for Christmas 2013. We’ve already written our letters to Santa. Have you?
Could Microsoft’s next-gen console ditch the discs in favour of downloads?
All your tasty Xbox 720 Durango rumours squeezed into one tiny space – come in, it’s cosy
Sneaky Microsoft has been showing off its next-gen console under cover, but Crytek lets slip the news
Grab this last-minute Summer Holiday Discount, and save up to 50% on selected items. Sale ends xx/xx/xx.