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Home / Reviews / Game reviews / Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare review

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare review

Call of Duty heads to space, but not necessarily as you’d expect

If you only played the opening mission of Activision’s latest blockbuster first-person shooter, you’d be forgiven for walking away thinking that it was just another Call of Duty.

It starts much as they all do: bad stuff happens and guns get shot. But this one also changes things up in ways that are unexpected, yet very welcome.

After an opening mission full of explosions, space combat, bombast and bluster (and let’s face it, you can’t jump into a starship and burst out of the atmosphere into space without at least a few ridiculous explosions) the story settles into one that might feel familiar if you’re a Killzone veteran.

You (naturally) play the good guys who have to protect Earth – normally a fairly standard job, if the Settlement Defence Force (SDF) rebels didn’t have an unhinged boss (Salen Kotch, played ably by Kit Harington of Game of Thrones fame) calling the shots. He’s hell-bent on becoming the dominant force.

OK, we’re not breaking new ground here, and it all gets a little messy at times, even for a series that follows the good vs bad model so often. But without losing any of what the series is known for, Infinite Warfare still proves that there are some very smart people working at Infinity Ward.



Where Infinite Warfare diverges from the norm is in the way the universe feels conceptually more whole.

Call of Duty regularly suffers from a narrative that feels less cohesive; more like a set of missions you just have to get through. Here though, you end up in charge, and can pick side-missions from a map (think Mass Effect, and you’re not far off), each of which are largely inconsequential to the story, but will give you bonuses that affect your character.

One such diversion is all about stealth, and sees you boarding a ship, sneaking into the vents and turning off the air supply to kill four high profile SDF targets. Once you’ve shot your way out, enemy rankings will be thinned and you’ll earn faster health regeneration as a bonus. Win win.

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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

There’s no sign that Call of Duty is looking to hand over the crown just yet: Infinite Warfare is an enormous, almost fit to burst package of shooty goodness.

The difference this time is that the single player campaign finally switches things up, creating one of the best story modes the series has seen in a very long time.

As always, then, this is a very complete game, and comes highly recommended – with the caveat that the multiplayer is just as punishing as ever.

Buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare here from Amazon

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

There’s no sign that Call of Duty is looking to hand over the crown just yet: Infinite Warfare is an enormous, almost fit to burst package of shooty goodness.

The difference this time is that the single player campaign finally switches things up, creating one of the best story modes the series has seen in a very long time.

As always, then, this is a very complete game, and comes highly recommended – with the caveat that the multiplayer is just as punishing as ever.

Buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare here from Amazon

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

There’s no sign that Call of Duty is looking to hand over the crown just yet: Infinite Warfare is an enormous, almost fit to burst package of shooty goodness.

The difference this time is that the single player campaign finally switches things up, creating one of the best story modes the series has seen in a very long time.

As always, then, this is a very complete game, and comes highly recommended – with the caveat that the multiplayer is just as punishing as ever.

Buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare here from Amazon

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

There’s no sign that Call of Duty is looking to hand over the crown just yet: Infinite Warfare is an enormous, almost fit to burst package of shooty goodness.

The difference this time is that the single player campaign finally switches things up, creating one of the best story modes the series has seen in a very long time.

As always, then, this is a very complete game, and comes highly recommended – with the caveat that the multiplayer is just as punishing as ever.

Buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare here from Amazon

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

There’s no sign that Call of Duty is looking to hand over the crown just yet: Infinite Warfare is an enormous, almost fit to burst package of shooty goodness.

The difference this time is that the single player campaign finally switches things up, creating one of the best story modes the series has seen in a very long time.

As always, then, this is a very complete game, and comes highly recommended – with the caveat that the multiplayer is just as punishing as ever.

Buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare here from Amazon

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare verdict

There’s no sign that Call of Duty is looking to hand over the crown just yet: Infinite Warfare is an enormous, almost fit to burst package of shooty goodness.

The difference this time is that the single player campaign finally switches things up, creating one of the best story modes the series has seen in a very long time.

As always, then, this is a very complete game, and comes highly recommended – with the caveat that the multiplayer is just as punishing as ever.

Buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare here from Amazon

Stuff Says…

Score: 4/5

A terrific campaign that changes things up in an interesting way, the multiplayer you know and love, and zombies thrown in for good measure: what’s not to love?

Good Stuff

Fun and interesting single player

Multiplayer is consistent

Looks and sounds phenomenal

Bad Stuff

Story is a little thin

Campaign is brief, too

Multiplayer still needs serious dedication

Profile image of Adam Cook Adam Cook Contributor


Adam is a games journalist, and contributor to Stuff magazine and stuff.tv