Opinion: Why I keep coming back to iOS
Erna Mahyuni keeps attempting the switch to Android, but finds she never likes it enough to stay

Another year, another iOS update and for me, another reason to come back to the iPhone. Every once in a while I try to switch to an Android phone, just as any well-rounded tech journalist should, but it’s never long before I start missing Apple’s iOS.
There’s still a lot of hate that flies around whenever people talk phones. And let’s be honest, that’s pretty weird, right? People defending their preferred operating system as if it’s a fundamental life choice in threat of destruction is just odd when you actually think about it because it is just that – a personal preference.
I’ve tried loads of different phones and every operating system going, but in the end iOS just suits me, personally, better. Here’s why.
1) Updates keep my digital self safe

The problem with Android’s fragmentation is that you never know when or if your phone is going to get the latest Android update. Not unless you get a Google Nexus or one of the new Pixels.
You know what I figured out? Nexus phones just aren’t for me, and while I’ve not yet tried the Pixel, Rob Leedham’s review suggests that’s not going to convince me either.
There is no OS that won’t be compromised at some point, especially if it’s popular. Hackers are after iOS right now, I’m sure, and I like knowing that I don’t have to wait for my phone network to approve an update for my phone. That any security update is going to come as soon as Apple has it ready. That so long as my phone is within two to three generations of the latest model, it’ll be updated.
It’s hard to put a price on peace of mind.
Read more › Google Pixel review
2) Apple gets the best apps first

New cool app is out? It’s on the iPhone. Android might get it later, or might never get it at all.
New camera accessory, fancy casing? The iPhone gets everything first and if you’re unlucky enough to own a non-flagship Android model, then too bad.
Some people like dressing up Android screens, customising apps, fooling with root. That’s just not me. I don’t even use widgets – I find them annoying to configure and a drain on the battery.
What I do like is being able to find a new case for my iPhone in almost any shop, making switching up my phone’s look the work of a whim. And there are thousands of options, from pretty and sleek to tough as a tank.
You like dressing up your OS? That’s fine, but I prefer dressing up my phone without having to worry if the theme I downloaded has malware designed to steal my data.
Read more › the 40 best free apps for iPhone and iPad
3) I really like Siri

I’ve tried Google Now and I even lived with Cortana for a little while. But in the end, I just like Siri because, heck, she’s just more fun.
Google Now feels invisible and impersonal. I can ask Siri silly questions about Game of Thrones or get all existential with her. If I’m being honest, asking Siri stupid questions has become a hobby for me.
Using Siri is like a glimpse into the future where the way we interact with things is more intuitive, where machines will be more able to adapt to us and our quirks. I like that talking to Siri feels like talking to a person. Now if only they could apply that to the abomination we call iTunes.
4) Sometimes it’s about the basics

I see complaints about iPhones still not having 1080p screens and all I think is ‘why the heck do you need that high a resolution on your phone?’
It’s not a priority for Apple, and it’s not one for me either.
I like that my phone doesn’t need a lot of RAM to run things because Apple doing the hardware and software means things are optimised. The camera makes me happy because it just works, producing rather lovely results despite my complete lack of photography expertise.
My phone is fast, it takes great pictures and my peerless library of apps has grown with me since the iPhone 4 days.
Some people revel in having the latest specs, to be the winners of the numbers game. I like consistency, reliability and regular updates. But that’s just me. Each to their own, yeah?