10 weird and wonderful subreddits that will make you question the sanity of the human race
Explore the depths of some of reddit's deepest rabbit holes (SFW)

Did you know that trees can suck on things? I, until very recently, did not.
It’s just one of many random things that I’ve absorbed during my extensive reddit travels. Useless knowledge, maybe, but it might one day win my team a pub quiz.
But let’s say you want to dip your toe into reddit’s deep waters in search of similarly fascinating subreddits. Where do you start?
The simple answer is “Carefully”. The sheer scale and variety of subreddits is utterly mind boggling and, if you take a wrong turn, you can easily end up in an extremely NSFW corner of the site.
So I’ve taken that risk for you and compiled this hand-picked selection of the weirdest and most wonderful subreddits we’ve found. It’s time to jump into the rabbit hole…
Budding (and disturbed) geneticists need look no further than this sub for horrifying (and occasionally adorable) inspiration. Reddit’s many Photoshop wizards gather here to blend together every animal under the sun, creating disturbing hybrids. Ever wanted to know what a raven with the head of a killer whale looks like? This is the place for you.
In our search I ran into a number of animal/fruit hybrids such as this banana eagle, but being a traditionalist, I’ve only included animal/animal submissions here. I take this sort of thing very seriously.
We live in a universe where someone has taken the time to create a bot that automatically places Valve CEO Gabe Newell’s face on to the body of various celebrities. Said bot then diligently uploads its terrifying creations to reddit, providing us all with years of high-quality nightmare fuel.
Some of the best results are when the bot accidentally misplaces Mr. Newell’s face, layering it on to crowd members and, er, clothing. Enjoy, I guess.
This brilliant subreddit hosts some of the most creative gifs I’ve ever come across, and given how many I’ve stared at during my online travels, that’s an impressive feat. Users employ some sort of witchcraft to take existing gifs and enhance them, often combining two or more into delightfully complex masterpieces, or throwing in rendered objects that have no right to be there in the first place.
No matter how many times I stare at the masterpiece above, I cannot wrap my head around the fact that that skateboard doesn’t exist. It’s perfect.
I couldn’t leave out this Miley Cyrus masterpiece either. Absolutely stunning.
No idea what’s going on?
Reddit, if you’re not already familiar with it, is the self-proclaimed "front page of the internet". Users post links or ‘self-posts’ – the former of which could be anything from YouTube videos and pictures, to articles and scientific papers – and quite literally, everything in-between.
Self posts allow users to interact with the reddit community, often taking the form of questions or popular celebrity Q&A sessions, commonly known as AMAs (ask me anything).
There are thousands of subreddits dedicated to almost any topic you can think of, and posts are upvoted or downvoted, arranged in their order of popularity.
Landing on the front page of reddit can see your posts/links being viewed by an enormous amount of people – so much so that sites are often subjected to the ‘reddit hug of death’, in which their servers buckle under the immense weight of traffic.
There are a bunch of default subreddits which all users are initially automatically subscribed too, including r/pics, r/videos, r/movies and more. Most users tend to stick with these, until the sheer scale of the different subreddits becomes apparent to them.
After a while, you’ll unsubscribe from recycled internet memes, and sign up to subreddits which feed you information on topics you’re really interested in. Seriously, this could be anything from cosplay or mountaineering to welding or smoke ring tricks.
This bunch of anarchists make it their goal to take perfectly normal, ordinary gifs, and break them. The end result is a horrifying collection of glitchy abominations, straight from the hard drives of hell itself. It takes a special sort of skill to make Nicolas Cage more terrifying than he already is, but these people have found a way.
The above scene from one of my favourite movies, Dumb and Dumber, used to make me cry with laughter as a child. But now those tears are nothing but salty vessels of liquid fear.
And don’t even get me started on Obama:

One day, someone woke up and thought to themselves "you know what, I’m going to start photoshopping human teeth into sharks’ mouths". It turns out that quite a few people share this mysterious pioneer’s passion, and thus r/sharkswithhumanteeth was born.
There’s not much else to say, though it’s done very little to quash my fear of sharks, if I’m being entirely honest.

I have no idea what to say here. In all honesty, I’ve been subscribed to this subreddit for a good five months, and still genuinely have no idea what the hell is going on.
Every so often it pops up in my reddit feed. I click on the posts and browse through the sub, and I’m utterly fascinated by the sheer… chaos of it all. If you don’t want your eyes to bleed from the insane Comic Sans onslaught, then stick to mobile viewing. If you want to give a designer mate of yours a panic attack however, then send them straight to the full-fat desktop site.

The three dedicated moderators of this sub provide crucial daily updates regarding the release status of Valve’s mythical Half Life 3. They diligently, without fail, post "no" (or some other variation of negative confirmation) every single day. They’ll continue to do so until the game is finally released, or the human race is eradicated. Whichever comes first.

If you can’t stand the deafening roar of Top Bants from the nearby table of lads having a cheeky Nandos (Gazza u ledge), or if you habitually apologise when someone bumps into you, r/britishproblems is the place for you.
It’s a haven of British awkwardness ranging from having to make small talk to that same stranger on the train every morning, to carrying an umbrella when it’s not raining. A great way to verify that you’re not alone in this world.

‘Music French people might play at a party or just with friends around’ is a section of reddit dedicated to, well, it’s all in the name really. I have yet to ask a French person to verify the accuracy of the submissions, but I’m working on expensing a work trip across southern France to gather the most accurate scientific results I can.
I’d rather not, you understand, but I’m willing to do anything to further our understanding of such an important topic.
Visit Music French People Might Play at a Party or Just with Friends Around

This sub is pretty self explanatory. If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, I suspect you’ll let out a hearty chuckle, and perhaps unleash a little smile. Or maybe you’ll expel a little puff of air out of your nostrils and move on to the next internet list.
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